EMODnet Physics

The EMODnet Physics provides access to physical data and metadata available for use by public authorities, scientists and industry, contributes towards the definition of an operational European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and contributes to developing of the definition of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) marine core service.

Near real time data and metadata are populated by data owners, organized at EuroGOOS Regional level according ROOSs infrastructure and conventions and made available with the EMODnet Physics user interface. Latest 60 days are freely viewable and downloadable while the access to older data (monthly archives) request credentials. Archived data series and metadata are organized according and in collaboration with NODCs network.

The EMODnet Physics is also developing high level interoperability layers and OGC services (WMS, WFS, and WCS) for data discovery, view and download to facilitate end user data access and machine-to-machine interaction.

