Always around the world: Nereidas at Conama 2014
After Green Port in Barcelona, after the Widermos Event in Bruxelles and after the Blue Economy Day, Nereidas is going to Madrid for the 12th National Congress of the Medio Ambiente, Conama.
After Green Port in Barcelona, after the Widermos Event in Bruxelles and after the Blue Economy Day, Nereidas is going to Madrid for the 12th National Congress of the Medio Ambiente, Conama.
Nereidas’ Partner are pleased to inform You that we will partecipate ain Green Port 2014 in Barcelona, October 14 to 17.
Green Port will focus on improving the relationships between ports, its users, customers and stakeholders and well as addressing the environmental and sustainability aspects facing cruise terminals around the world including.
Nereidas’ Partners are organising an event in the WTC Area in Barcelona during Green Ports; the details are still in preparations, but the date is fixed: 16th October.
No one can miss.