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Tips for transferring to NC STATE. ?

I really want to transfer to nc state next year but I’m starting to get really nervous about my chances of getting in. An open group for those interested in NCSU. The best advice I could give you is to email your current advisor if you have one or get in touch with someone from the admissions office because there are many factors. How were your professors and were the classes good? Most of North Carolinas engineers come out of nc state so I have hopes for the stem department. reddit boogie2988 Hey guys, My brother is a freshman at UNCC who applied to transfer here for the Fall of 2021. If you care about the job first and the school second, apply to NCSU and a back up school probably in state, like app state or UNC Charlotte. [Edit 1: just checked NCSU's website, when i apply for the transfer i would be 16, so i do have to give my high school file anyways! dunno how this changes stuff though] Also, i just made a common application to check which majors i can transfer to, and CSC is one of the allowed ones, so that makes like easier for me. Engineering is king around here, but a couple of the other programs are actually quite good, despite being less visible. great clips statesboro ga I was a full-time student working part-time. its just that i know these grades are going to be different than they actually are right now in about a week. also don’t sweat about only completing gen eds! thats actually what Poole admissions usually wants out of transfers- most business classes in other colleges don’t transfer over to NCSU equivalents (they want you to take major classes on campus). Since the application process itself is often nothing short of herculean and time-consuming to boot, this place is meant to serve as a talking ground to answer questions, better improve applications, and increase one's chance of being 'Referred'. For ref, my major is Mech egr, I'm transferring from a CC and am expected to have my full AE finished at the end of this current semester. 6 with 45 credits ( A's in all of my classes currently). i don't wanna be fat like boo boocraigslist de yakima That being said, dont let these neg thoughts consume you and if you dont get the outcome you want it is definitely not because you arent good/smart enough. ….

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