Solutions come from the Sea: a visit @ Melilla for Nereidas

IMG_9934  On 5th November the Port Authority of Melilla, with the help by all the partners of Project Nereidas , organised a visit for the Project Officer and the stakeholders interested in Melilla,  to see all the important sites of the Pilot project.


The visit started from the “rugosidad point” in the port, and finishing with a boat tour for seeing the rugosidad, the Elisolandia, the buoys and the Cymodocea plantation.

Thanks to a perfect organisation with the port divers, each participant was able to see everything from the boat.

After the visit, it was organised a meeting between all the partners, the Project Officer and the President of the Port Authority of Melilla Miguel Marín. The president wanted to meet the partners and explain them how much is important for him and for Melilla itself the project. After the meeting, the president had a press conference about the Project with the local media. Watch here the video .